Introducing: The Crit

What do designers think about their own work? Which project are they most proud of; what early design do they regret; and what would they most like to design in the future? The Crit, a new podcast from Disegno, has the answers!

Each fortnight, Disegno’s editor-in-chief Oli Stratford sits down with a leading designer to speak about their career and help them to interrogate their own practice. Over the course of each episode, they’ll tell us what worked best; what failed; what pushed their career to new heights; what feedback most shaped their practice; and what they feel needs to be redesigned, and why they’re the best person to do it.

And then, at the end of each episode, they’ll be asked to give themselves a grade for their career to date: fail, pass, commendation or distinction.

It’s a design-school crit, delivered every fortnight! Subscribe to the show here, or sign up wherever you get your podcasts from.

Yinka Ilori with show host Oli Stratford.

Episode #1: Yinka Ilori

Yinka Ilori’s work often revolves around sparking joy, and this week he brings his infectious optimism to our first episode of The Crit.

Known for using bright colours, patterns, parables and affirmations to tell stories about his British-Nigerian heritage, Ilori’s work spans from furniture and interiors to public art and architecture.

Listen to the episode to hear Ilori review his body of work, from trophies celebrating the immigrant experience to okra-inspired chairs, and catch the invaluable piece of career advice he got from Tracey Emin while he was working on the shop floor in M&S.

Show Notes: Yinka Ilori

Best design: Colour Palace
Worst design: Okra chair
Most successful design:
If Chairs Could Talk
Most impactful feedback: Don’t rush, take your time and build your body of work
Dream design: Sculpture park

This episode of The Crit was recorded at Uncommon Holborn.

The Crit’s graphics were created by Leonhard Rothmoser.
The Crit’s music was created by Yuri Suzuki and Team Suzuki.


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